We are very happy to announce the first 2017 tour dates.
It will take place in South Africa in collaboration with all french alliances.
Dates bellow:
11/03 Pretoria
12/03 Port Elizabeth
16/03 Maseru
18/03 Luanda
21/03 Durban
23/03 Mbabane
24/03 Maputo
25/03 Mbabane
22/04 Centre culturel /Argenteuil (FR)
29/04 Bizzart nomade / Charols (FR)
03/05 SMAC La bobine / Grenoble (FR)
13/05 Paul B / MAssy (FR)
26/05 Festival FOLA / Grézieu la Varenne (FR)
03/06 Festival / Palaiseau (FR)
04/06 EINE WELT | ONE WORLD /Wintethur (CH)
21/07 La douceur des Arts / Tézhan (FR)
22/07 Festival Africajarc / Cajarc (FR)
23/07 Les Transes Cévenoles / Surmène (FR)